Why Bullies Should Be Expelled from School?

School safety is compromised by bullying, necessitating effective interventions. Approaches range from expelling bullies to supportive interventions that involve teachers, psychologists, and parents. Each case requires individual assessment to determine the best course of action. Cyberbullying, physical harm, and victim silence complicate the issue, demanding comprehensive strategies to address both causes and consequences. Schools must balance punitive measures with rehabilitation to prevent long-term harm and foster respectful environments.


Hall, W. (2017). The effectiveness of policy interventions for school bullying: A systematic review. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 8(1), 45-69.

Wachs, S., Bilz, L., Niproschke, S., & Schubarth, W. (2019). Bullying intervention in schools: A multilevel analysis of teachers’ success in handling bullying from the students’ perspective. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 39(5), 642-668.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, January 9). Why Bullies Should Be Expelled from School? https://studycorgi.video/why-bullies-should-be-expelled-from-school/

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