Virtual Life vs. Reality

Virtual reality (VR) has revolutionized communication and education, offering immersive experiences that enhance learning. However, excessive use of VR can lead to disconnection from the physical world. Teenagers, in particular, may spend excessive time online, losing interest in real-life activities and relationships. While VR has benefits, such as aiding children with disabilities, its overuse can lead to addiction and social isolation, making it crucial to maintain a balance between virtual and real experiences.


Bell, J. T & Fogler, H. S 1995, The Investigation and Application of Virtual reality as an Educational Tool, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Lunn, S 2008, Don’t be a virtual ass, rush out this second and get a life. Web.

Kalawsky, R.S 1996, Exploiting Virtual reality Techniques in Education and Training: Technological Issues. Web.

Newitz, A 2009, Virtual Sex: Cheating or Not?, Web.

Wuang, Y. P, Chiang, C. S, Su C. Y &Wang, C. C 2011, ‘Effectiveness of Virtual reality using Wii gaming technology in children with Down syndrome’, Research in Developmental Disabilities, vol 32, pp. 312-321, n.d., Elsevier Ltd. Web.

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