Violent Computer Games Must Be Banned

Violent computer games contribute to the development of aggressive behavior in adolescents, influencing their identity and social behavior. These games promote violent conflict resolution and desensitize players to cruelty, often leading to impulsive behavior, depression, and social isolation. Research links violent games to emotional instability and cognitive issues, especially in teenagers. Given the harmful effects, many experts advocate for a ban on such games to protect youth from aggressive tendencies and mental health problems.


Cornell, D. G. (2017). School violence: Fears versus facts. New York, NY: Routledge.

Dowsett, A., & Jackson, M. (2019). The effect of violence and competition within video games on aggression. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 22-27.

Sparrow, R., Harrison, R., Oakley, J., & Keogh, B. (2018). Playing for fun, training for war: Can popular claims about recreational video gaming and military simulations be reconciled? Games and Culture, 13(2), 174-192.

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