The Short Story “Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood’s Lusus Naturae explores societal tendencies to stigmatize and isolate individuals perceived as different. Through the protagonist, a girl suffering from porphyria, Atwood highlights themes of sexism, societal judgment, and rejection. Deprived of a name and reduced to a “thing,” the protagonist embodies how groupthink and negative bias strip individuals of their humanity. Even her family succumbs to societal pressure, showcasing the harsh consequences of nonconformity in a judgmental world.


Atwood, Margaret. “Lusus Naturae.” The Norton Introduction to Literature. New York: W.W. Norton, 2016, pp. 262-266.

Jones, Jennifer Lynn, and Brenda R. Weber. “Reality Moms, Real Monsters: Transmediated Continuity, Reality Celebrity, and the Female Grotesque.” Camera Obscura: A Journal of Feminism, Culture, And Media Studies, vol. 30.88, no. 1, 2015, pp. 11-40.

Tugend, Alina. “Praise is fleeting, but Brickbats we recall.” The New York Times, 2012.

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