The Role of Technology in Operations Management

Operations management involves utilizing resources to produce goods and services, with technology playing a crucial role in improving efficiency and quality. Technology enhances productivity in both manufacturing and service sectors by automating processes, managing risks, and offering competitive advantages. However, its successful implementation requires skilled management and optimized processes to avoid inefficiencies. Despite its potential, technology alone cannot guarantee improved productivity unless aligned with the company’s operational needs and supported by well-trained staff and infrastructure.


Brown, Steve, et al. Strategic Operations Management. Elsevier Science & Technology, 2005.

Galloway, R. L., Frank Rowbotham, and Masoud Azhashemi. Operations Management in Context. Oxford ; Boston: Butterworth Heinemann, 2000.

Loader, David, and Graeme Biggs. “Managing Technology in the Operations Function”. 2002. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Slack, Nigel, Stuart Chambers, and Robert Johnston. Operations Management. Pearson Education UK, 2007.

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