The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence for Nurse

The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence is essential in nursing practice, enabling healthcare providers to understand patients’ cultural backgrounds and deliver effective care. This model’s twelve domains guide nurses in evaluating cultural factors that impact health outcomes. Its application is particularly crucial in addressing challenges faced by migrants and culturally diverse patients. By integrating cultural competence into evidence-based nursing, healthcare professionals can enhance patient satisfaction, reduce health disparities, and improve treatment outcomes.


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Doğu, Ö., Coşkun, E. Y., Üzen, Ş., & Ulay, G. (2016). Purnell Model for Cultural Competence: Nursing care of an Afghan patient. Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 5 (5), 44-48.

Tucker, C. M., Arthur, T. M., & Roncoroni, J. (2015). Patient-centered, culturally sensitive health care. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 9 (1), 63-77. Web.

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