The Dangers of Smoking and Its Prevent

Cigarette smoking remains a major public health crisis, causing preventable deaths and disabilities worldwide. Despite awareness campaigns, both active and passive smoking contribute to severe health issues, including cancer, respiratory diseases, and infant health complications. Smoking also imposes economic burdens through healthcare costs and lost productivity. While some argue tobacco benefits the economy, its devastating health impact outweighs any financial gains. Strict regulations are necessary to protect public health and future generations from the harms of smoking.


Ginsburg, D. (1997). Smoking is good for My Business. Globe and Mail.

Mason, P. (2009). Know the Facts about Drinking and Smoking. The Rosen Publishing Group. New York, NY. Web.

Owing, J. H. (2005). Trends in Smoking and Health Research. Nova Publishers. New York, NY. Web.

Slovic, P. (2001). Smoking: Risk, perception & policy. SAGE. California. Web.

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