The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth

In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare highlights the challenges that test true love, particularly through Hermia and Lysander’s forbidden relationship. Despite her father’s insistence that she marry Demetrius under the threat of death or a nunnery, Hermia chooses love over compliance. Meanwhile, Helena’s unrequited love for Demetrius shifts only after magical interference. The play underscores that true love requires resilience against societal, parental, and circumstantial obstacles, echoing Lysander’s words: “the course of true love never did run smooth.”


Adam, M. (2017). A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Adam Matthew Digital.

Ellinas, G., Ray, J., Shakespeare, W., Candlewick Press., & Shakespeare Globe Trust. (2021). midsummer night’s dream. Library Ideas.

Shakespeare, W. (2016). A midsummer night’s dream: A comedie: the course of true love never did run smooth. Place of publication not identified: Scribe Publishing.

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