Supply Chain Management Theory

Supply chain management integrates forward and reverse logistics, emphasizing collaboration, IT applications, and strategic theories. Reverse logistics addresses material flow from consumers to origin points, requiring efficient systems for cost control and information sharing. Theories such as RBV, TCA, and TQM provide frameworks for enhancing supply chain operations. Agile manufacturing, JIT, and CRM theories highlight responsiveness and quality. Addressing issues like stakeholder linkage and performance metrics improves supply chain effectiveness and fosters seamless operations.


Festus, O. & Xiaoming, L. (2010). Information Sharing and Collaboration Practices In reverse Logistics, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, Vol. 15 Iss: 6 Pages.454-462.

Halldorsson, A, Kotzab, H, Mikkola J., Skjoett-Larsen, T.(2007). Complementary theories to supply chain management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 12 Issue 4, 284-296.

Ketchen G & Hult, M. (2006). Bridging organization theory and supply chain management: The case of best value supply chains. Journal of Operations Management, 25(2) Pages 573-580.

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