Should Social Media Be Banned?

Social media is a transformative platform that enhances education and business practices globally. It fosters learning by connecting educators and students to valuable resources and collaborative networks. In business, platforms like Facebook and Instagram bolster brand awareness, customer engagement, and cost-effective marketing strategies. Despite concerns about its adverse effects, social media’s benefits in promoting academic productivity and driving business growth make it indispensable in contemporary society. Its role in shaping connections and sharing information is pivotal.


Bilgin, Yusuf. “The Effect of Social Media Marketing Activities on Brand Awareness, Brand Image, and Brand Loyalty.” Business and Management Studies: An International Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, 2018, pp. 128–148.

Tulu, Daniel, Tadesse. “Should Online Social Medias (OSMs) be Banned at Work? The Impact of Social Medias on Employee Productivity in Ambo University, a Case Study.” Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 42, 2017, pp. 1096–1102.

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