Instagram vs. Facebook as Social Media Platforms

Facebook and Instagram are leading social media platforms with overlapping functions yet distinct differences. Facebook appeals to an older audience and offers extensive engagement options, while Instagram attracts younger users with a focus on visual content. Businesses utilize both, but Instagram excels in engagement-driven marketing. Despite their contrasts in user demographics, interaction scope, and marketing effectiveness, both platforms enable connection, content sharing, and online commerce. Their differences and similarities shape their roles in the evolving digital landscape.


Kim, Bumsoo, and Yonghwan Kim. “Facebook versus Instagram: How Perceived Gratifications and Technological Attributes are Related to the Change in Social Media Usage.” The Social Science Journal, vol. 56, no. 2, 2019, pp. 156-167. Web.

Larsson, Anders Olof. “The News User on Social Media: A Comparative Study of Interacting with Media Organizations on Facebook and Instagram.” Journalism Studies, vol. 19, no. 15 (2018), pp. 2-10. Web.

Voorveld, Hilde A.M., et al. “Engagement with Social Media and Social Media Advertising: The Differentiating Role of Platform Type.” Journal of Advertising, vol. 47, no. 1, 2018, pp. 38-54.

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