Explication of the Poem “The Lamb” by William Blake
William Blake’s poem The Lamb explores themes of innocence, divinity, and interconnectedness between God, humanity, and nature. Through the use of literary devices such as archetype, anthropomorphism, anaphora, and metaphor, Blake conveys a profound spiritual message. The central metaphor equates the lamb with God and humanity, unifying these elements. Blake’s poetic techniques, including alliteration and assonance, create a prayerful rhythm, emphasizing the beauty and joy of creation while reflecting on divine blessings.
Blake, W. (n.d.). The Lamb. Web.
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StudyCorgi. (2025, January 28). Explication of the Poem “The Lamb” by William Blake. https://studycorgi.video/explication-of-the-poem-the-lamb-by-william-blake/
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