Consumption of Junk Foods and Their Threat to the Lives

The rapid increase in junk food consumption over the past half-century has significantly contributed to rising obesity rates, especially among children. Television promotes unhealthy eating habits through commercials, exacerbating the ‘couch potato’ syndrome, where inactivity and junk food consumption lead to weight gain. Despite the severe health consequences of obesity, including chronic diseases and reduced life expectancy, efforts to address the issue are minimal, with economic interests often prioritized over public health.


Byrd-Bredbenner C & Grasso D. “Commercials During 1992 and 1998.” Journal of School Health. Vol. 70, (2000), pp. 61-65. Web.

“Fast Food Linked To Child Obesity” CBS News, 2003. Web.

Miller, Daphne. “Television’s Effects on Kids: It Can be Harmful!” CNN. (1999). Web.

Nakamura, David. “US Schools Hooked on Junk Food Proceeds” (2001). Web.

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