Childhood Obesity: Causes and Solutions

Childhood obesity is a growing global concern, particularly in the United States, where over 170 million cases are reported worldwide. This condition has severe health implications, including cardiovascular diseases, type-2 diabetes, and psychological impacts such as low self-esteem and depression. Contributing factors include poor dietary habits, bullying, and lack of physical activity. Solutions require collaboration among parents, schools, multinationals, and government institutions to promote healthier lifestyles, monitor diets, and encourage physical and emotional well-being.


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Pretlow, R. (2010). Overweight: What kids say: What’s really causing childhood obesity epidemic. North Charleston. CreateSpace.

Satter, E. (2005). Your Child’s Weight, Helping Without Harming. Madison, Kelcy Press.

Waters, E. (2010). Preventing childhood obesity: Evidence policy and practice (Evidence-based medicine). Oxford. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

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