Beauty Pageants: Importance and Benefits

Beauty pageants are global contests where participants showcase their beauty, talents, and skills. These competitions have gained immense popularity due to their entertainment value and profitable nature. The “Miss Universe” pageant, for example, enjoys high ratings and provides a platform for women to gain recognition and launch careers. While beauty is central, the events also emphasize intellectual and personal growth, promoting self-confidence and self-improvement among participants. Ultimately, beauty pageants offer both physical and psychological benefits.


Bos, Angela L., and Schneider, Monica C., editors. The Political Psychology of Women in U.S. Politics, Routledge, 2016.

Cohen, Colleen. “BVI Barbie: Materializing Subjectivity on the Beauty Pageant Stage.” Anthropological Quarterly, vol. 89, no. 3, 2016, pp. 689-721.

Gimlin, Debra. “Exploring the Glocal Flow of Beauty.” European Glocalization in Global Context, edited by Roland Robertson, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2014, pp. 147-170.

Hinojosa, Magda, and Carle, Jill. “From Miss World to World Leader: Beauty Queens, Paths to Power, and Political Representations.” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, vol. 37, no. 1, 2016, pp. 24-46.

Jeffreys, Sheila. Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices in the West. 2nd ed., Routledge, 2014.

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