Argumentation For and Against Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a debated educational approach with notable pros and cons. Critics highlight socialization challenges, high costs, and parental stress. Proponents argue it offers tailored education, stronger family bonds, and a bullying-free environment, fostering emotional stability. Additionally, many prestigious colleges welcome homeschooled applicants. While homeschooling’s drawbacks are valid, its strengths cater to individual needs and promote a positive learning atmosphere, making it a viable alternative to public education.


Bunday, Karl M. “Colleges That Admit Homeschoolers.” Learn in Freedom. Learn in Freedom, 2013.

Kirk, Samuel, James J. Gallagher, Mary Ruth Coleman, and Nicholas J. Anastasiow.

Educating Exceptional Children. 13th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.

“The Tutor Guide: Tutoring Fees.” Care. 2016.

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